Emotions are the most unpredictable of all things within human nature. Few of us can contain and control these things. Very few understand how, and even less are able to perform this feat.
We as humans are born victim to our emotions… they are primal forces that control us. Our parents teach us about them immediately, wanting to or not, they perform these emotions and acts in the colorful dance that we call life, and children are able to soak it in.
As children it seems that we have a blank catalog, for who, what, when, where, how, and most importantly, why these emotions actually exist, and what the purpose is for them.
We can use all of them for whatever it is that we choose based strictly upon free will, and with that will comes opposing ends of an emotional scale.
Universally, there is a balance to all things. For the color red there is blue, for light there is darkness, for matter there is anti-matter. It is quite natural, as we find ourselves a part of this universe, that we too would be balanced in all ways. Even in what seems to be uncontrollable… emotions.
What follows is information. I have proven these within this realm, and as far as I have found… they are truth.
Our Fear is balanced, by its polar opposite.. love.
Watching how they react to people is identical. They infect, and some people fight, some welcome it. Then it grows on them, and then it consumes them, and then it surrounds them. Either one of these emotions do react the exact same way to stimuli, though it must be properly polarized. If not, keep in mind that emotions are very unpredictable, and these two especially
These are the roots of ALL our emotions. In that case you could provoke literally any reaction, and it will not be controllable. Everything we feel can be traced back to these two emotions in some way.
We as a race have made colors for these and you have seen them everywhere. Black for fear, white for love.
These colors have become as symbols to us as a race, though in my personal belief I don’t believe that it is just us that utilizes this system. I believe this is a universal constant, though I can not prove it.
The additive and subtractive colors are a good representation of love and fear. If the additive colors are all put together…. they create white. This is the natural color in our culture to summon the emotion of purity, love, trust and all the positive aspects of our personality.
If the Subtractive colors are all put together, they create black. This is the color that summons anger, hostility, hatred, fear and all the negative aspects of our personality.
As you can see here, some of the same colors are used to make either end of the light spectrum, and the ones that are not, are so very close in nature, that it takes a very tuned eye to be able to tell the difference between Cyan, and Blue, or Magenta, and red.
Lets first take love for instance… and we will use the colors above. The primary colors Red Green and Blue.
Lets replace those same color values, with emotional values.
Red = Joy, Blue = Happiness, Green = Trust. Now, all these things felt seperatley cast that shade of everything. If Joy is what is all that’s being felt, then joy will shade the image of all things visible at that time.
If happiness is felt, it shades all things at that time the same way. Each by them self is sturdy, though negativity can create turbulence, and force a collapse. This is where an individual choice must be made and our greatest gift gets its power (free will). We can either continue to be happy, or if the negativity is more desirable, then we have the freedom to follow that path to its result as well.
These energies are electromagnetic, though there is a vibration that must be consciousness behind it. (electromagnets don’t seem to work the same way to alter human moods. My efforts unveiled nothing.)
If all of these positively charged emotions (which are now colors) are placed together, then we get white, or the color we use to symbolize gods love for us, and our love for each other. These are additive emotions.
The same is true for fear, as these are subtractive emotions. Lets take in place of Cyan, Magenta and Yellow… and give these names such as Hate, Rage, Jealousy.
Individually they can act the exact same to polarize an individual as the positive emotions can, They simply feel different. The methods of their gradual consummation are EXACTLY the same as the additive colors, though it is to a different conclusion.
They begin small, and they shade all things at the time they are perceived the same way as the additive emotions do. This is again where an individual choice must be made, and the true power of the human will is revealed in all its might. To follow one of these to its conclusion is daunting to say the least.
If we put all of these subtractive emotions together, we get the color we use to symbolize Evil or Darkness in our world, better known as the color black. This in emotions, is fear. Fear is the god of all things dark, for without fear, The darkness would have no power.
When we are the construct of all of the subtractive emotions, we perform fear. When we are the construct of all of the additive emotions, we perform love.
Most of us, struggle daily, with our emotions. We try to decide, or forget about the decisions, that must be made in order to forward the human evolution. To evolve, we will all need to work together. And to de-evolve, we must continue our divide, and our descent into something which we can not imagine.
Either way we choose, whether it be unification, or the dividing of a species, we will not know what the future holds for us.
It will come down to the most primal and ancient of all things in the universe. The laws of attraction.
The only question that could be asked, is ‘which sounds more appealing for me?’