Friday, February 8, 2008


What does it truly mean to be Happy? What is required for one person to be happy? Does it change from moment to moment, or is it as steady as the freight train?

Happiness is meant for the receiver… because, like most emotions, are felt from within. They are created within us, and swell to encompass our entire body. Happiness is one of the human favorites in emotions.

Happiness comes in different shapes for different people, this emotion is as liquid as water is to its container. It will fill it up, and rush out, if the cup runneth over. Happiness itself, is truly an art.

People are quite beautiful when they are happy. They are full of bounce and life. The eyes shimmer, and the body glows, its as if a star was coming out from inside, if only for a moment, and that is only if happiness is aloud to consume its host. It is pleasurable to watch as people no longer remember the bad things that could happen, or what could go wrong, or the pain that be coming, or the monster around the corner. Any one of these, on any given day, may stop the very same person… but not on a day they are happy, not that day!

The life experience of the individual having these emotions are drawn upon for its good times, during these days, and that is if it truly lasts a whole day. Many of us live for the fleeting moments that we are happiest, but there are the uncommon few among us that live happy every day.

On that day the sun shines brighter and warmer. The voices of only the happy people around us are the only sounds that can be heard. Laughter is a common occurrence, and relationships shine and shine alike.

It is when we smile at the raindrops.
It is when our spirit can glide upon the wind with no hesitation.
It is when our heart opens up and embraces the moment
It is when we can finally understand who we are and be ok with it.

Happiness is truly a diverse, complex, and multidimensional emotion.

What does it mean to you to be happy? What are some of the things that you do when you are happy? How do you know you are happy? Where do you go? Who are you with, if anyone?

These questions are quite important, though, I personally, never realized how relevant until recently. I realized that I hadn’t heard those questions in a very long time.. if at all, and I have no doubt my responses have changed with age. I also realized, that in the not hearing of those questions, I had forgotten to ask myself what makes me happy, so I no longer know.

I do understand what made me happy… so I suppose I will just have to start from there.

As an exercise, I invite you to answer the questions above, write them down... and go be happy for the day.