(This is one interpretation of a substance, for which there are endless descriptions)
This is the center where confusion begins. This is where our minds get clouded due to the people that are within our life structures and cycles. This center safe guards our relationships.
The truest forms of honesty are kept here, as well as our loyalties and inhibitions. We may not understand all of what we do, or whether it is for another, though if one was to seek out truth, beginning here would be a safe choice.
This place, in essence, is our coil. This is the center that we use to engage others in transition, both our own, as well as their own. Our space is always kept by energies that have yet to be discovered, though in truth in never-endingness of energy is quite profound.
As humans, there is a great deal of interaction. The simple state of being conscious, allows us to engage things with our five senses and feel, taste, touch, hear, see, and listen to the ever vibrant world around us so full of life. Each of these living things has an energy, or a resonation, and this resonation is what the second center focuses on.
Be it a human being or a bear, a blade of grass or the trees of a forest, this center allows us the ability to be aware of something that is not just referenced by our five senses, but something much grander, that can not be referenced, but is always believed. There is something more to this thing called life than just what is seen.
This center keeps us always in motion, whether it be part of a dramatic sequence humans have created amongst the emotions which cascade in their individual environments, or the is simply help one walk down the street to store to get something’s to eat, because lord knows everyone has a relationship with their stomach, like it or not.
It also allows us to disseminate personalities, as well as those we would choose to be around, and those that would not be in this life. Our love is released from hear, as if it were a horse at the starting gates, truly wishing to be released to run. In that love that bursts outward of us, when we meet a person that inspires us in that subject, we usually are drawn together, and we humans engage in what has come to be called sex.
As some people do, humans can get very addicted to sex, because of the wash of emotions, and the pure release of what has been held back upon their own will. It would seem as though it is the only way the individual could be happy. The reality of this, is
happiness is not created in this center, though it is released with many other emotions and concentrated energies, to bring forth life in this world.
The visual metaphor that is related to this Energy center is the Garden. These images are to be used if you wish to view your own. If you ask to see your second center, then think of the location of this center, then ask for the image of a garden, you will see the health and vibrance of it. The only thing that must be asked after this is simply, “is this a healthy garden?” and then look closely at your garden.
Please keep in mind that these pictures are only easier for our human minds to connect with and understand.
This is a visual reference for the second center:
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