Stand not, the shadow that breaks against the light on endless occasion, just because there seems no other way. Layeth the shadow on the floors of light, and allow purity to wash over them. Absorption will continue for many moons… but layeth until ye hath had enough.
With eyes unguarded, look upon the world of men, and chance the places ye hath never been. We will learn about the heavens and the gods and the sun, and we will move forward against the currents of the world. We will take from them what is ours, and we shall move beyond their reach, as the only way to survive something such as this, is to become pieces of it, and then let go.
Believe in all things, as all things will treat you with their nature. The stone can not be the river, though it is a part of the river. The stone stands against the river as mother nature has intended, and the stone will stand against all that attempt to move it. The river will flow around and over the stone, and the stone will begin to wash away piece by piece. The stone is proud, and sturdy… but without the ability to change, the stone can only be broken or slowly, slowly washed away.
Awareness is knowledge that can not be forgotten. No matter the effort, and no matter the attempt… it can not be truly forgotten.
Crash against the love of the light, and float with the knowledge that where we are headed, where we were meant to be. We can not carry all the memories that our physical mind may hold dear… but the lessons that our soul understands will walk with us for eternity as we travel to whence we came.
It can not be true that things done with negative intention were meant to happen only one way, for we see and effect the lives of so many people with the choices we make. Each choice made, a cause… each cause created, an effect… each effect
sustained, a change. All things remain a never ending lesson on the ability to properly use the most powerful force in the universe, and the most unwieldy of tools… Free Will.
With Free Will, we can choose to be ignorant or aware. With Free Will, we can choose to exist with or without depth and reason. With Free Will we can choose what color to paint our wall, and With Free Will we can choose Life of the physical, or death of the physical. With awareness, we can realize we have the ability to wield Free Will.
The Journey to Awareness, shall unbind us from this mortal world... Break free my friends... Break free!