Truth – in its essence – is the biting blade. Something so pure, that when given, clarity comes at such a staggering speed, it is difficult to stay standing. It is a true catalyst of emotions… and the most revered weapon of the true thinker. Truth is binding… and it will also separate. Truth will help bind one to it, as well as surround them… though the lack thereof creates the same environment on the opposite pole.
If one has lived a life of deception, and begins wielding truth… some people in that person’s life will fade. They will seemingly become ‘itchy’ and that is just enough uncomfortability for people to take notice, and then want out.
Truth… is something that exists in such a way, where it is intangible… though it is something that requires no ones agreement, or belief, it simply is. Gravity of truth, when spoken wholly, is crushing.
This is the sword that the angels use to slay their beasts… these are the words god has used to build our world. This is the living, and a way of being, and only through rejection of truth, can we know discontent. Some truths are full of jolly, and life…. Some truths are hallowed, and void, as the sadness becomes loud.
Our primitive state, lays us as victim upon the feet of such a great power… yet it is a power we can wield by act of free will, if we choose. We can be emboldened by truth, and carry upon our selves a sword of light made for denying that which is not absolute.
As I have found.. that sword has two blades… for if we seek truth within the darkness… we shall find it, and it will not be filled with happiness, or joy. It will be filled with sadness and pain and ugliness, but it will be no less real. If we seek the Truth within the light, we shall find our happiness, and our joy.
The truth itself, is neutral ground. It is where both light and shadow can exist, without ever existing within the same time and space of the opposing party. The entities that stand upon that ground, are subject to the waves of both light and shadow, as it blows through them.. and learning to defend against that which a consciousness wants, and will choose to disallow is key. It is the battle ground of oneself… and it is set with the stage of the gods. As we as entities choose to stand amongst the powers of truth, and choose which will be our direction… the gods offer us all the options we could possibly wish for, in a timeless space, and with quiet but unwavering resolve.
It is our strength that will bind us to our course, and it is our own strength that will bind us to our truth, whichever way we see it. We can lead ourselves to the bottom of one end, to turn and form the path we seek to the other. Some children of men, were made for the light, and some for the dark, and others to be messenger between the two, and exist a place that exists only truths… but a place where there is no wrong. A place where there is no judgment, or emotional reactions… a place of truth, based upon observation which is the most difficult of all places to stand in my humble opinion. As one can not be truly good, one can not be truly evil… and without the finality of one or the other, consciousness staggers, and sways to what is called ‘the unknown’. It is without the human reaction of sway, one can see that the unknown, is only unknown to that one… as there are few which exist within this middle. In this middle there can be no judgment. in this middle, there is no evil. In this middle, there is no good... there is only truth.
The darkness will always try to extinguish the light, as the light will always try to blow back the shadow… but it is the messengers who watch and observe to learn. It is the Seekers of Truth who will carry the message of peace to either side…. Because they have no bias, and their strength is unyielding.

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