In this I shall attempt to render thoughts on the concept of accountability.
Accountability is something that seems to be less and less visible in the leagues of our society. It could be the way I view things, and I pray that it is just my inaccurate vision however, there is an unyielding proof of a truth that doesn’t care about my prayers, and continues to show me more evidence to the contrary.
(Please note, that ALL examples given here are examples or hypothetical situations, however graphic… they are relevant to the concept. The graphic nature of these elements are to help the reader understand just how drastic someone else's viewpoint can be, as well as what people are capable of justifying, or being accountable for. Whether we believe that all people are good and descent, has no relevance on whether people other than ourselves make the choices not to be either consistently.)
Accountability means: subject to the obligation to report, or to explain something; responsible; answerable.
In my experience many people will read this definition, and walk by the depth to the words. The reporting of a thing, is NOT the same as the justification of a thing. The report is the data, and only the data behind the actions… NOT the feelings. Many people get lost in the emotions of an action, and end up in a place that they must justify, which is why I say that the concept of justification is different than a report. Both justification, and accountability can be amazing things to witness, and can easily leave the observer in awe.
One can walk to a front porch of a house in the suburbs after watching it for a few weeks, ring the doorbell, and grab the child that answers the door to do unto that child whatever that one desires. That action IS justified by that person in their mind as the right thing to do. The thought must pass approval in order for execution of the action. Justification is that person telling themselves that taking that child, is O.K. quietly in their mind, and then using whatever circumstances necessary and repeating that it's O.K. as many times as it takes, in order to believe that the action is necessary. That is what justification is… not the who, when, where, or why… just what.
An example of accountability, is that same person sitting on the bench looking at that house in the weeks before the actual act, having this thought.
“My body is responding to that child, and I know that everyone says it’s wrong and illegal, but it’s irresistible to me.
I have accepted the fact that my body responds this way, and that I may never be able to control this temptation… I will try someday, but that day is not today.”
The accountability is taken for being a pedophile in that thought. The person understands that it’s turned on physically, the person accepts it, and also accepts that it’s against the law. The accountability is the person actually being responsible for being what the person is. It knows it’s a pedophile, and it simply doesn’t care and continues about it’s course to correct at some undefined later date.
The justification will always kick in when a different set of standards are imposed upon that person… in this case, it would be when they are caught by the intricately weaved net of the law. After the imposition of another’s set of standards as well as it’s consequences, the person becomes deceptive, and then a justification is required. The deception begins with denial out of fear for consequences. Then… the deceptions that are told, are woven into a story that is rehearsed which usually shows the person in the best possible light. This being said, the pedophile is often seen as a good person and potentially a victim to themselves and their inhibitions, after the insertion of this justification for being a pedophile.
In this example, the justification is neither accurate, nor evidence of accountability and is intentionally designed to skew the report. All the while… the person doesn’t have to take accountability for any action made. The report of the above example is this:
Begin Report:
This person abducted a child, and forced said child to submit to it in a criminal fashion based on a set law that that person is now being judged by. The person was held accountable by said law, and attempted to deceive others in attempt to gain favor for leniency. This person is not only a pedophile, but also a liar and intelligent enough to maliciously use pity and benevolence to sway them. This person is not to be trusted, and with whatever process that the judging law deems relevant,will be processed.
End report:
The report is usually much shorter, and quite declarative. The point being is that the person in question, is accountable for both the report AND the justification.
What's the reason for that they are responsible even if they don't acknowledge that responsibility?
The event simply would not have occurred if the person would not have committed either the thought energy, or the physical energy to turn the fantasy into a reality.
All people are accountable for every thought they have… because no one else is inside your head.
No one else will hold you accountable for your thoughts… because no one else is inside your head.
All people can choose what they want to do.... because all humans have free-will.
All people are accountable for their actions…. Even the ones that other people don’t see.
No one else can stop you from doing something to cause damage to your fellow man… because you have indefinite control over your entire body, and the whole of your own mind.
Accountability for our own thoughts and actions announces our intention as human beings to others. Malicious or benevolent does not matter, and the reason for that is quite simple. For me… I would rather look at the demon that has burning hands and horns coming from it’s head and red skin and say with blood dripping from it's mouth and say: ‘no thanks… I think your unhealthy for my life.’ Rather than to look at a person that hides that demon behind faces of deceit and unaccountability to look just like you and me but have the same effect. The unfortunate reality, is that in our world the angels and the demons look identical… and we have a choice to become either, both, or none. The designation 'angel' or 'demon' is simply that, but the becoming of any of these things begins with taking accountability for the good actions, as well as the poor ones towards that direction.
In the pursuit of accountability I have learned one indeterminate fact. Those who are truly accountable for all of their deeds, as well as their words, walk the most difficult and painfully growth ridden road out of anyone. They must answer to only themselves and no one else, but be that as truth, themselves never give leave.
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