Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Basics

I am going to begin on a small walk through the energy bodies that are contained within the human body. It’s always a pleasure to do this.

For the next seven days I will do my best to try and describe each of these energy bodies for you. Please keep in mind that words are crude when discussing things like this, so I shall call this an introduction, and the rest can be learned intuitively.

Most folks already know that everything needs balance. With Black there is white, with good there is evil, with love there is hate, with order there is chaos. All of these things compile the known universe, and we as life force, are able to perceive. They call us life, though we are much more than just living. To think of this life as an acronym, it could be stated:

Layered – Intelligence –Fundamental -Energy.

As said by Robert Monroe. Are there layers to humans? Absolutely, anyone who tells you different has never experienced a human female during the menstrual cycle.

Are we Intelligent? Some folks maybe more than others, but intelligence is defined by the dictionary as simply this:

- knowledge of an event, circumstance, etc., received or imparted; news; information.

This being said, I believe a insect may be deemed intelligent, so I think humans maaaaayy qualify.

Are we fundamental? Yes we are, we are, at the core of all our cells, simply start dust, the most fundamental pieces of our universe.

Are we energy? Sit down, and relax, while watching three year old boys play. Then tell me that’s not energy. Scientifically its different of course, but no need for that at the moment.

What we will start with, is the energy centers of the body, for first to know how a thing works, one must understand the thing. At this point we will be speaking strictly of the human energy body, because god knows that no one wants to take biology over again, and if you do there has to be a college out just begging for you =)

What we will start with is the first energy center and work our way up. I will supply visual stimuli in order to arrange your focus around the vibration, Though for the next 7 days I will start slowly to introduce new concepts, and if you have questions, by all means ask. This is a starting image as to what we are looking into:

One: Survival Mineral: Ruby Color: Red
(This is one interpretation of a substance, for which there are endless descriptions)

This center is for those of like mind, about survival and guest of life. This center only acknowledges truth, and destroys darkness whenever possible. The way this is wired to the control centers of our body, allows for this center to be able to effectively over ride, that which we know to be right and good and true, to acknowledge something else.

This center also allows us to feel positive energies, so raw, that it is uncontainable. It makes it so we must choose to filter these emotions if we wish to utilize them for knowledge, and understanding. This center also knows little control of itself, and does not like restraint. This is our evolving mind, the one that still resides isolated behind the wall of time we have between our flourishing, and the time of our creation.

This is the piece that mother earth calls to from time to time. Whether you are standing in nature, or partaking in nature, this is the center that can resonate warmth through your whole body, Though it also has the same ability with the cold. For every good there must be an evil right? There is an order and a balance to all things.

Physically, this center controls the legs and most of the lower body. Fidgety legs, pain in the knees, ankle pains, foot problems, usually can be traced back to a blockage of some sort, dealing with this center.

A great visual metaphor for this center, is the Tree. This center’s corresponding color is Red (Ruby), and this is the picture:


Anonymous said...

A beautiful image! Did you create this?

Mobius said...

I did not create this, no. I do like beautiful things though, Thank you!