This is to help us breathe. This is breathing in a different way, and its truest fashion. This is how we acquire the force that we call life. As we normally do this on a subconscious level, doing this consciously will feel new and more intense, because intention is set in motion, and health is the end result. Its sort of like getting high… but high on life.
To perform this, please take your body to a safe place (or your safe place) and sit upright, feet flat on the floor. Chairs are most accommodating for this position.
Close your eyes, and begin to breathe. Breathe slowly, and evenly… and feel the deep breaths of air, hit all parts of the body.
There is a rhythm when doing this, so if you can.. listen and feel that rhythm.
Begin the fore mentioned techniques.
When these have been completed, feel your body for a moment, and allow for the feeling to catch you. The body reacts miraculously to these energies, though it is a might spooky at first.
When you have finished reveling in it (please do that for as long as you can allow, just because its fun) then open your minds eye once more.
Use your inner voice to call for the energies, to politely ask for them to send you the energy that will be most beneficial. For visual reference, please use the center of our known Universe. As an example, I visualize this as a GIANT spiral galaxy... though it has many shapes.
The universe, will then begin its offering… this comes through the seventh energy center, and flows downward along the spinal column. The color white is often attributed with this energy, so… if you can endure the cliché, White light falls through your body, from head to tailbone. This is an actual exercise, and is called many things and done in many ways.
As this light falls through the body, pay attention to the rhythm of your breathing.
As your breathe in, allow the light to be drawn in from above, and as one breathes out, allow for darkness to fall from the first center, into the grounding chord, to the earth. Upon the travel of this darkness to the center of the earth, please have intention for transmutation into light.
The two colors that allow for the ease of this process is black and white. There are many other colors, though starting with these two are easiest.
Breathe in, and drink in the light through the head, and breathe out, to expel darkness through the first center.
Do this for as long as one you deem necessary.
The ideal is to perform this exercise at least once a day, though one chooses to do this at their own will, if they choose it at all.
If you have chosen this, then pay attention to your body and how it feels. Your senses should sharpen, and your mind unwind. Your body will relax, and all of these things are desired.
If you have questions… please feel free to ask me. I will do my best to answer.