This tool is to allow a connection to the earth life force that exists on this planet. This is a planetary life force system, as well as the global consciousness. In my understanding the ‘global consciousness’ in pop culture, or even I would go as deep as society, is that of the people, or the masses.
I do not speak of the mass human consciousness that exists, I speak of our planetary body, and its energy. As we believe we are the only intelligent life on this planet, we forget that we still reside within this planet. We are a small part of the greater, that is what, we call earth. As our human bodies have cells, this planet has people, and if one were to stretch the scale and compare the two, one human body is greater than or equal to the size of a cell on a planetary scale.
Many times our ego’s are falsely, and wrongfully in charge of our perception when it comes to life energy. On this planet we are quite content being on top of what we have come to know as ‘the food chain’. We fail to remember that the only thing extracted from this ‘food’ is energy, and there are MUCH greater forms of energy out there, that if given the opportunity, may use us as this ‘food energy’ with a much greater understanding of the whole than we could ever claim. Consider the possibility of being what we know as popcorn to this being.
To begin the grounding technique, first one must return to the safe place that was decided upon by you while learning the relaxation technique. When you have returned, and you are seated in your chair, begin the relaxation technique, and complete it.
When this technique is complete, I invite you to again use your minds eye, and begin focusing on your first center. The first center is the one connected to your tail bone. Be fully aware of this center, and your body around it. As you are fully aware of this center, begin using your minds eye, to extend a glowing tube, directly beneath you, and watch it penetrate the floor and the crust of the earth, all the way to the center.
There are many things that people have used to symbolize this place, this is your vision, and your choice, on what is placed here. I have used the glowing orb. When you do connect with the center of our planet, perception will adjust, and your vision will focus. It is a rather rude feeling to start with, though if one were to consider this ‘mother earth’ you could also consider adjusting your attention as any mother would.
You may begin to feel the body begin to resonate, though fear is unnecessary. This reaction will only lessen your experience, as well as shorten the measurement of time this experience lasts. If this is your desire, then so be it.
It may take more than once to accomplish this technique. As these techniques are something to practice, not just what could be described as ‘a roller coaster’ which references something that is immediate gratification, and then a concussive end, the more frequently these are done, the better and clearer your images and visions, as well as your experiences will become.
One may be asking the purpose of grounding , as I have stated it is a connection to our earth, as well as a perception change.
For the answer to this, one must heed to the question:
‘What would you ask the planet if you had it on the phone?’ .
As I use this as only a metaphor, I believe the mind will better grasp this concept. You can ask this planet anything in you can desire, the question then comes, will you truly listen when she answers.
Please keep in mind that a planet has no ego, for ego is a human item, and is unnecessary beyond the gates of our reality.
In Summary:
Return to the area of safety in which you have chosen.
1. Utilize the relaxation Technique.
2. Become aware of your first center. Feel your body around it.
3. Use your minds eye, to extend the tube into the earth.
4. Connect to the planet’s center.
5. Ask whatever question you can think of, to a consciousness that has existed for approximately 9 or so billion years. (that’s according the man made records)
6. Allow earth to answer.
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