Wednesday, December 19, 2007

a Day of Peace

This is the Christmas season… so allow me to share with you my faith in Christmas.

Christmas is a time where a large percentage of the world stops, even if for a moment, to reach out to others. This is a time for hope, for cherishing, for you to be loved, and for you to love others in all ways.

It is a time where no religion is necessary… no religions of man period. it is a time when one can feel upon the air a patience within the world, if only for an extra moment.

Patience for the mistakes we will make, and mishaps they will cause. Patience for the ignorance we all have on any number of things.

Hope that all the love we have will be appreciated and reciprocated. Hope that the people we love love us just as much in return… if only to feel that loved.

We hope for miracles… though what we forget to think about, is that if all of the people in this world that celebrate this one holiday of peace, not of religion, and quiet their minds and hearts enough to let the light they want so badly in… then god has truly blessed them. God has truly blessed us all.

Here is an icon for hope.... in all good things.

Merry Christmas

Friday, November 16, 2007

Breathing Energy (a.k.a. Running Energy)

This is to help us breathe. This is breathing in a different way, and its truest fashion. This is how we acquire the force that we call life. As we normally do this on a subconscious level, doing this consciously will feel new and more intense, because intention is set in motion, and health is the end result. Its sort of like getting high… but high on life.

To perform this, please take your body to a safe place (or your safe place) and sit upright, feet flat on the floor. Chairs are most accommodating for this position.

Close your eyes, and begin to breathe. Breathe slowly, and evenly… and feel the deep breaths of air, hit all parts of the body.

There is a rhythm when doing this, so if you can.. listen and feel that rhythm.

Begin the fore mentioned techniques.




When these have been completed, feel your body for a moment, and allow for the feeling to catch you. The body reacts miraculously to these energies, though it is a might spooky at first.

When you have finished reveling in it (please do that for as long as you can allow, just because its fun) then open your minds eye once more.

Use your inner voice to call for the energies, to politely ask for them to send you the energy that will be most beneficial. For visual reference, please use the center of our known Universe. As an example, I visualize this as a GIANT spiral galaxy... though it has many shapes.

The universe, will then begin its offering… this comes through the seventh energy center, and flows downward along the spinal column. The color white is often attributed with this energy, so… if you can endure the cliché, White light falls through your body, from head to tailbone. This is an actual exercise, and is called many things and done in many ways.

As this light falls through the body, pay attention to the rhythm of your breathing.

As your breathe in, allow the light to be drawn in from above, and as one breathes out, allow for darkness to fall from the first center, into the grounding chord, to the earth. Upon the travel of this darkness to the center of the earth, please have intention for transmutation into light.

The two colors that allow for the ease of this process is black and white. There are many other colors, though starting with these two are easiest.

Breathe in, and drink in the light through the head, and breathe out, to expel darkness through the first center.

Do this for as long as one you deem necessary.

The ideal is to perform this exercise at least once a day, though one chooses to do this at their own will, if they choose it at all.

If you have chosen this, then pay attention to your body and how it feels. Your senses should sharpen, and your mind unwind. Your body will relax, and all of these things are desired.

If you have questions… please feel free to ask me. I will do my best to answer.

Friday, November 9, 2007


We begin this journey at the center of our mind, and work our way out. We will use a working belief structure that the aura is something that extends six feet from our center, and in all directions, completely consuming us.

Over the course of days, this sphere can get misshaped, and lopsided, and off center, and this exercise will enable us to re-center if we so choose.

This will create a sense of equilibrium with that of this reality, and that of the other. Consider this an exercise in getting comfortable in your own bed, because this is very similar. As the body is only a vehicle, we are just becoming situated within it.

To begin, start breathing deeply. The air to stimulate different parts of your brain are necessary. With more fuel, the brain produces more thoughts, and they would be called ‘outside the box’.

If you wish you can enter into the relaxation technique that has been spoken of before, though it is not recommended.

When you are focused enough, begin using your minds eye to image you surrounded by this ball of light. Use your emotions and your senses to feel the position and the shape of this ball, or if you can simply see it, then use the image.

The symptoms of being off center with your aura could manifest as many things.

A strange occurrence of always falling towards the right, wanting to always lean or sit back, Continuously slouching in a chair, or your arms and feet crossed all the time are all ways that the aura effects our physical body noticeably, though these occurrences can be so subtle in the average day that they are overlooked almost instantly.

When you have the image of your imbalance, take that image, and create the sphere that was there to begin with. The ideal, The one with no holes, the perfectly round one, and perfectly centered.

Altering the shape and size of this sphere is as easy as using your will, and as this is yours to command, it will obey you.

When the centering is complete, you will know… this process can take minutes, or hours… time is a human occurrence, though the more this is done, the more you will succeed.

This is a simple exercise, and can be done in the bathroom at work, or your meditation room at home. This is a piece of a new kind of lifestyle. Take as much as you wish, and leave the rest.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


This tool is to allow a connection to the earth life force that exists on this planet. This is a planetary life force system, as well as the global consciousness. In my understanding the ‘global consciousness’ in pop culture, or even I would go as deep as society, is that of the people, or the masses.

I do not speak of the mass human consciousness that exists, I speak of our planetary body, and its energy. As we believe we are the only intelligent life on this planet, we forget that we still reside within this planet. We are a small part of the greater, that is what, we call earth. As our human bodies have cells, this planet has people, and if one were to stretch the scale and compare the two, one human body is greater than or equal to the size of a cell on a planetary scale.

Many times our ego’s are falsely, and wrongfully in charge of our perception when it comes to life energy. On this planet we are quite content being on top of what we have come to know as ‘the food chain’. We fail to remember that the only thing extracted from this ‘food’ is energy, and there are MUCH greater forms of energy out there, that if given the opportunity, may use us as this ‘food energy’ with a much greater understanding of the whole than we could ever claim. Consider the possibility of being what we know as popcorn to this being.

To begin the grounding technique, first one must return to the safe place that was decided upon by you while learning the relaxation technique. When you have returned, and you are seated in your chair, begin the relaxation technique, and complete it.

When this technique is complete, I invite you to again use your minds eye, and begin focusing on your first center. The first center is the one connected to your tail bone. Be fully aware of this center, and your body around it. As you are fully aware of this center, begin using your minds eye, to extend a glowing tube, directly beneath you, and watch it penetrate the floor and the crust of the earth, all the way to the center.

There are many things that people have used to symbolize this place, this is your vision, and your choice, on what is placed here. I have used the glowing orb. When you do connect with the center of our planet, perception will adjust, and your vision will focus. It is a rather rude feeling to start with, though if one were to consider this ‘mother earth’ you could also consider adjusting your attention as any mother would.

You may begin to feel the body begin to resonate, though fear is unnecessary. This reaction will only lessen your experience, as well as shorten the measurement of time this experience lasts. If this is your desire, then so be it.

It may take more than once to accomplish this technique. As these techniques are something to practice, not just what could be described as ‘a roller coaster’ which references something that is immediate gratification, and then a concussive end, the more frequently these are done, the better and clearer your images and visions, as well as your experiences will become.

One may be asking the purpose of grounding , as I have stated it is a connection to our earth, as well as a perception change.

For the answer to this, one must heed to the question:

‘What would you ask the planet if you had it on the phone?’ .

As I use this as only a metaphor, I believe the mind will better grasp this concept. You can ask this planet anything in you can desire, the question then comes, will you truly listen when she answers.

Please keep in mind that a planet has no ego, for ego is a human item, and is unnecessary beyond the gates of our reality.

In Summary:

Return to the area of safety in which you have chosen.

1. Utilize the relaxation Technique.

2. Become aware of your first center. Feel your body around it.

3. Use your minds eye, to extend the tube into the earth.

4. Connect to the planet’s center.

5. Ask whatever question you can think of, to a consciousness that has existed for approximately 9 or so billion years. (that’s according the man made records)

6. Allow earth to answer.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Enable Relaxation

This is how to enable your physical body to relax, and take in. please remember that imagination is key in these messages, so the idea is not to be afraid to utilize it.

First one must adjust or occupy a safe environment. This can be a room that you have felt the safest in, or an open field that warms your heart. Whether inside or outside one must find the safest place they can. Distanced, and away from all of the turmoil of the everyday life, every from anyone or anything that could distract you in your goal, because this is an independent mission for your own solace and knowledge.

If you do not have this space, then you are invited to create one for yourself in whichever way you know how. Construct the place where you feel the safest you can ever feel, and where you know you will be the happiest.

When this place is revealed to you, go there, without hesitation, and sit there, with your back straight and your palms up. Nothing should be crossed, because in doing this, it restricts the flow of outside energy, though if this is your desire, then it is your body after all. =)

Close your eyes slowly, and as they are closed begin to breathe. Breathe in through the nose, and out through the mouth, and as you breathe in, imagine an image of three gleaming, bright lights, about the size of marbles, under your nose, one just beneath each nostril, and the other just below the septum.

As you are breathing regularly now, picture the life energy that you are breathing in, and then see it washed clean by the lights below your nose. Whatever color it is, what ever there is attached to the life energy in which we breathe, can not withstand the light that is placed here.

Feel the light flow through your body, and jump into all of your cells, everywhere, and enjoy this for awhile.

When you are ready to move on, and begin to really relax, then use your minds eye, to visualize the actual word ‘relax’ hovering centered, just above your head. Once you see it, you must actually add the energy of relaxation to it, and this is your will and intention. Use your minds eye to visualize yourself offering the light of relaxation to this word, and when you believe it has had its fill, allow it to fall.

Allow it to fall…. Slowly… over your head, and for every square millimeter it comes in contact with, feel your physical body relax as an effect. see it come down over your head, and touch your scalp, and feel it relax.

As the actual word is self runs over you, as well as through you, feel the side or your head relax, and the tips of your ears, your eyes, your eye lids, your nose, your lips and tongue, down to your throat and neck, your shoulders, your arms, your chest, your lungs, your heart, your elbows, your forearms, your stomach, your bowels, your bladder, your waist. Down to your genitals, your tailbone, your anus, your buttocks, your thighs, your knees, your shins and your feet.

When the word itself has finally fallen to the ground beneath your feet, use your mind to raise it up again, very slowly, all the way back up to the top of your head, just above your scalp. Then allow it to fall again.

Do this three times very slowly, because the pace is very important. The pace will allow you the understanding of the dimension your are in as your body begins to readjust to this new possibility of reality.

When you are finished, sit and enjoy breathing in the light, or continue to run the relaxation tool as many times as you wish. Please remember you set the rules here, this is your reality, and as you create it, you will know what is and is not possible, as well as what does, and does not need doing.

This should be step one to any other following lesson that I would give here. I highly recommend this step upon entering any type of trance like state.

Breathe in life, and exhale fear.

In summary:

- Find a safe place

- Sit with your back straight in a chair.

- Close your eyes, and imagine the light beneath your nose.

- Begin breathing light in through your nose, and blow it out through your mouth.

- See the word relax above you

- See it fall over you, and feel each part of your being relax.

- Do it three times

- Do it as much as you want!

- Do this before all following lessons.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The End of the Begining

I hope this can bring a sense of calming to you, because it is my belief that all people should have a smooth, strong mind, rippled only by choices.

This begins a process of things that can not be un-learned. The experience, is your choice to begin , though the lesson, is without bounds, and will never end. These will continue on throughout this life, as well as what we have come to call death, and beyond. The only consequence of taking part in such an activity, is the immutable truth, found by oneself, that will never be silenced.

It will be explained in a way, that only you can understand. It will be felt in a way, that allows all the emotions you understand and feel, to be more intense than you have ever felt. It will be seen in a way that only your eyes can see it. These things will be explained by yourself, to yourself, for yourself because no one could claim to communicate the necessary information better.

This is something that does not stop, though you can choose to ignore it, the consequence being that the truth does not ignore you.

My suggestion to you, is that if you do not want this… if you are afraid at what you might find, then I suggest you stop this message now.

These messages were not meant for you, and in place of creating a greater understanding, these messages will in turn create confusion.

In the place of creating fulfillment, these messages will create an emptiness within you.

Know that no matter what perception you have of these messages, the vibration of them is positive, and will resonate that way through all things, including you.

If you are reading these messages to better understand your fear, and to overcome it, they will provide you a set of tools that has yet to be realized as useful in our normal social structure of so called ‘life’.

I will teach, if you will listen, and if you have questions, please ask, as I will do my best to answer.

If you have already chosen to ‘prove me wrong’ , then your presence is undesirable, though your participation will only be difficult, and nothing more.

The fortunate part of these truths, is that they do not require the beliefs or intentions of those who do not understand them, nor use them, to exist. They exist without limitation of time or thought, and they will continue on past the reaches of anything we know of as ‘ending’.

Know that these tools will help create fulfillment of oneself, compassion, truth, peace of mind, and much more. This is, if you use them to their potential. Half an effort will result in half of the desired results.

This is a new kind of faith… a faith in oneself… a faith in all of ‘the gods’ that are here on this world. This is something that connects to all of the other ‘LIFE’ in this plane.

Make no mistake, this is no religion… This is a discipline. This is knowledge given… this is information handed out, and this is a way of life….. a different way, no better… no worse… just different, you decide.

I am but one human, though this lesson is mentioned with many voices, throughout the ages. We can decide to listen to the whisper of the ancients, or we choose to hear the shouts of the fear we ourselves have created. We are accountable for our situation, and no one else. If one is broken, then that one is responsible for their repair, though others should be strong enough to show compassion, and not pity.

Fear is an illness, rage is a weakness, and anger is the ill wind which blows out the lamp of the mind

all have their remedy, locked away within oneself, as I will use these analogies so your mind understands their true value.

These tools are meant to empower the consciousness within you, and nothing more.

These tools will teach you how to use the energy centers I have spoken of, and as you have seen these messages here, you are now aware of my intentions…… if you have questions, voice them… we can now begin.

Friday, October 26, 2007

The Human Energy Construct

The Human Construct is the end result. This has not been an explanation of the physical body, but of the energy body, that being something of which most people choose not to attend to.

It is what is disrupted when we feel sick,

and it is what has been beaten back when we feel sharp pains.

When we feel confused, these energy bodies have shifted,

and when we change our mind, these energies have moved directions.

These pieces are only but a small few of the many that make up the entire that is called a human. The Vehicle itself is an amazing construct, though the actual experience itself is something to actual long for.

It is something that can not be explained or ratified. It is so messy, and ugly, and clean and beautiful all at the same time. The actual perception that is achieved by stepping within a body, is so focused, right down to the very harmonic, or attention. All of these centers are regulators, and are all, of great importance in the human experience.

We can choose to ignore them, or we can choose to attend to them, and this will never change the fact that the existence of these centers are real, for the truth is forever immutable, and is silenced only in fear. Each of these centers has a symbol that specifies, which center It is, and I believe you can also seek out their names on this world. By all means make your own sense of these things, because to each consciousness, they will be different.

We so much like being able to reference things so quickly, and if disorganization is seen, it is thought of as ‘lesser than’. Specifically in social classes, and economic break ups…. These judgments are so very strong.

We are one of the most beautiful species of man in existence in this plane, and we are also the only one that has been ‘proven’ to be in existence in our perception. (I will use proven loosely here due to, all things that can be summed up by saying one word, UFO’s)

These energy centers help us conduct our lives in a safe way, when we choose, and a destructive way, when we choose. This entire combination of these centers creates an essence that never fades, and exists on well beyond any time line we would measure.

The existence of Life (Layered Intelligent Fundamental Energy) itself is not so mysterious…. But the existence of THIS planet’s life, is absolutely mysterious. With the mess of things in the dominant vehicle, and the power density packed into the human form, the species should have eradicated itself eons ago, yet still we have found a way to forge onward.

If you ever get the feeling that your body is trying to tell you something…. Listen.

If you ever get the feeling that your mind is in the way…. Move it aside

If you ever think that its time to stop feeling so much because of exhaustion….. choose numbness for a bit, because our choice is the most beautiful blessing.

If you ever think that what you think you are thinking about thinking, may be a definite possibility of a potential maybe…. Ease your mind, and allow in just a bit of light.

if we hold it just right, Free will, will carry us through each of these centers, and then it will carry us yet again, to meet what we have named ‘god’.

Love thyself, and never regret. Never stop, continue the movement. Never forget, to always believe.

This is an image of a real human within this energy, so your eyes can have reference.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Seventh Center

Seventh: Ethereal Bridge Mineral: Diamond Color: White
(This is one interpretation of a substance, for which there are endless descriptions)

This is the Center in which that connects us to the infinite. This center has many names. To name a few, ‘Kundalini’, ‘The Crown’ ,‘Gods Connection’.

This is the door which enables us access to the light of life, that we drink in. This Provides us all the necessities in which we can not see, in which we can not explain, in which we can not prove, in which we can not taste, and in which we must believe, in order for our continuation within this specific sphere of life.

This is what guides us in a positive direction, even when do we do wrong, because this center has no evil in it. It can not be made evil, unless the individual chooses it. This is where the light breaks the shadow, and begins an ever forward course amongst the tangible. This is where our belief charges our reality, and this piece will never fade.

The shining is a bright as the stars, and the light is just as pure. This is the holiest of all of our centers, and as the dictionary describes this word as ‘having a spiritually pure quality’ the truth is far more intense.

Think not of religion when thinking of this center, for this center has only one structure, and it can not be uttered in our words. There is nothing that exists here that can speak accurately of what lies beyond this center, and as I try here, I will fail, as will we all fail. The closest I can get to a description of what lies beyond the cusp, is ‘greater than’.

The concepts alone can not fit in our physical mind, though the infinite storage of a universe that is so vast, as well as the access point, built into every consciousness in it, allows for the largest collection of information that we can only access by acceptance, and belief.

If it is in fact, that in accepting nothing other than the reality of this truth, as well as the belief in the truth, even if that means we are the only ones who feel it, then all of us here truly will be able to find our way, as we have a built in staircase. All of our faith is held within this center, for all things.

Whichever god we have chosen to have faith in, our human prayers will flow freely through this channel.

Whichever curses in which we choose to bestow, they will flow freely, from this center.

Whatever holiness we carry with us, will be lent to us from this warm, loving hand.

This is the bridge in which we can look across, and see what we humans have named ‘god’…. And this is where god can exist, at a distance which provides us comfort, and wait for us to invite him in…. and smile…. Warmly.

The visual metaphor for this center is the Staircase.

The visual reference for this center is as follows:

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Sixth Center

Sixth: Clairvoyance Mineral: Amethyst Color: Indigo
(This is one interpretation of a substance, for which there are endless descriptions)

Can you see?

Can you see to regions of time space which all have fallen shallow to but the hardest of thinkers and the deepest of dreamers?

That which creates perception based upon a fluid context, and flickering ever brighter in the night, that is the veil of darkness, which shields humanity from our true being and belief. This is our third eye and how we see ourselves, our spirits, the others that walk amongst us in the river of life.

This is how we see that which can not be seen with flesh. This is how we know, that which can not be proven or disproven, and see that which can not move or stop moving. This is our window to an infinite of realities, and we can choose to see them, or forget them.

As we came to this world from a reality which few of us can physically remember, we still have connection to this place, as well as the energies that move there. This place is the unification of all things, and this is the place where we can choose anything we wish. This is where thought performs reality, and this is where reality performs functions, created by a consciousness, for a purpose.

Everything here is real, yet to us, this center would allow us to see things that the human construct would judge ‘fictional’ or ‘imaginary’. This is how we begin to grasp tightly to a world that has very dense realism, and very slow moving of thoughts.

We use this center to see the things that we want to see, as well as ignore the things we wish to leave us be. This center is key to the pictures of our imagination, due to us actually creating worlds based upon vision, the importance of this center to our reality is quite clear.

Some of us struggle daily to find a new path, one that would lead us beyond the stars, others understand the road is always there, and they never wander too far.

This center connects to the infinite dimensions within the kaleidoscope of realties we have upon this ever changing realm of earth life, as well as the ever random cycles of intelligent life spread throughout time space in whole, as the HU-MAN being, is not the only construct of MAN being.

This center is not limited by time, it is not limited by matter, it is not limited by dimension. This center is only limited by consciousness, as are all of the energy centers, and those who have enough strength to hold all of the truth, of what this word is in representative of.

The visual metaphor for this center is the Window

The visual reference for this center is as follows:

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Fifth Center

Fifth: Communication Mineral: Sapphire Color: Blue
(This is one interpretation of a substance, for which there are endless descriptions)

This center begins the path of truth if we choose to follow it. This center allows for a point to be displayed to another being, as vividly as possible within this realm of perception, and offer the being an understanding.

This center is a doorway into our mind for another being that we choose to engage. As we decide to embark upon things that would be unknown to those around us, this is the tool we use to encourage that things will remain every moving, and ever changing.

We attempt many different truths in our lifetimes, though in order to know what we are, we must begin by knowing that which we are not. Within our trials and errors, we ourselves are trying to understand how to communicate, that which we are experiencing and which we are wanting, and we do this while engaging other beings in the average day.

This center is how we translate the energies of our spirit as well as the universe, to the crude level of communication we use in this plane to allow for a limited understanding of concepts that begin without anything audible.

This is our dimensional transducer, and as we step forward through this life, we begin, more and more, in the learning of how to utilize this wonderful tool.

The out bound traffic from this center effects the lives of everyone it touches in someway, and on the receiving side, this sound must also go through an interpretation. This is often why many of our conversations get confused.

We can do someone immeasurable harm from here, as well as do someone an amazing good. This should not be something that is hidden, or closed, but released amongst the energies that welcome it freely and openly into this universe of variance.

Our truths fly away from us here, to become someone else’s truth, or their target. Our experiences can be exhausted from here, as we live them again while speaking them to another being. Information can pass this way as free as the day we were born, as this typing is communication now, as I present a new possibility to you…. or an old one.

The Visual metaphor for this center is the Hallway.

The visual reference is as follows:

Monday, October 22, 2007

The Fourth Center

Four: The Essence Mineral: Emerald Color: Green
(This is one interpretation of a substance, for which there are endless descriptions)

This is the most powerful center of our being. That which does not hold a name exists here, and that which should not be spoke of also exists here. The most complex energies of the human psyche are bound to this place, to come out when we choose to let them.

When we choose truth, this center is there, allowing us the strength to follow through with that truth until the end.

If we love, this center will deem the purity of the love, dependant upon contaminations of the energy field around it. This center is THE most vulnerable to environmental changes, and with it comes the ups and downs that most human feel as they walk through life.

Herein lies the answers to all of the questions, as this is the lens in which we see/feel the universe as it truly is, the universe as we can not explain it, and the playground, that we shall return to as these bodies fade away.

Our balance in this existence starts with this center, and carries on through the rest of our energy body.

This is how we truly feel, and there is no hiding. This is where truth is reality, and can never mix with any other energy, though both, can drop from our awareness for a time. It is our deepest connection with what could be called ‘infinite’ or the ‘universal all’, or the ‘one god’ or (fill in the blank).

This is a starting point on how we process information from a different plane existence, and it is a step in remembering all the things that exist. We can channel this connection from time to time, and we see much clearer, the issues which we are experiencing, though with so much emotion, it is difficult to keep a balance, and not be lost in such intense emotion.

It is easy to get lost within any moment as raw emotion is experienced from a circumstance or a situation.

Pain, Love, Trust, Loyalty, Truth, Jealousy, Envy, all of these things arise from this place for many different reasons. The complexity and the inter-workings of these emotions, are something that can not be explained by one person. This is something that must be experienced and then become known to each being, in their own way.

When this Center guides our life, we are truly being one hundred percent of everything we are, though to not get lost somewhere amongst the fringes of belief, we need our other centers to help balance our consciousness as we play amongst the channels which crackle with life in the, and dancing in the multitude of dimension that can only be imagined.

The fact we know, is close to useless here, here the process of logic is the only function to help our consciousness regain its balance in a universe that can not be fathomed by the physical mind. This is something that relies strictly on the things that are used to disprove the facts in which we place our faith in reality. This takes true faith, for technically we must venture against all of what we know to be real.

The visual metaphor for this center is the Room.

The visual reference for this center is the following image:

Friday, October 19, 2007

The Third Center

Three: Will Power Mineral: Sunstone Color: Yellow

(This is one interpretation of a substance, for which there are endless descriptions)

This is the center that commands our will power. This is our intention, and a power center in the human body. If we intend not to do something, this center allows for the appropriate action that enables the ‘not doing’ to take place. The opposite is also true, if we intend for good things, this helps to guide us along to the punctuation of our intention.

This center is also wired to the other centers in our body, as we are completely connected on every level. Our intention is one of our most powerful creative tools… because if thought becomes reality, our intentions help align our thoughts.

This center is a gravity center for that alignment, and with it, we can become whatever it is we have in our mind, no matter how wild the idea.

We also use will power to over ride fear, and forget about such things. If it is that we intend to forget the fear existed in the first place, we can bring forth this reality, and make it a part of our daily existence, using our will.

Free Will

The most powerful of all forces on this planet, yet the most common of all things in man kind.

The ability to choose to make things better for ourselves if we do not condone or acknowledge or even like, our current situation. This is the ability to choose in all ways, all things possible, and all possible outcomes. Now that… is one of the only constants of mankind.

We all have this ability, though our choices will forever bind us to our lives. That concept alone, is scary. That concept alone is why people do not choose. Those people may not realize, that they still have made a choice.

If we tell the truth, we have chosen to do so, and this center will be consulted.
If we lie, we have chosen to do so, and this center will be consulted.
If we love, we will have chosen to do so, and this center will be consulted,
And if we hate, we will have chosen this hate, and we will have had to consult this center.

On the human body, this center is located just below the sternum, better known as the solar-plexus.
The visual metaphor for this center is the Chair. This is the image that goes with this center.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Second Center

Two: Relationships Mineral: Amber Color: Orange
(This is one interpretation of a substance, for which there are endless descriptions)

This is the center where confusion begins. This is where our minds get clouded due to the people that are within our life structures and cycles. This center safe guards our relationships.
The truest forms of honesty are kept here, as well as our loyalties and inhibitions. We may not understand all of what we do, or whether it is for another, though if one was to seek out truth, beginning here would be a safe choice.

This place, in essence, is our coil. This is the center that we use to engage others in transition, both our own, as well as their own. Our space is always kept by energies that have yet to be discovered, though in truth in never-endingness of energy is quite profound.

As humans, there is a great deal of interaction. The simple state of being conscious, allows us to engage things with our five senses and feel, taste, touch, hear, see, and listen to the ever vibrant world around us so full of life. Each of these living things has an energy, or a resonation, and this resonation is what the second center focuses on.

Be it a human being or a bear, a blade of grass or the trees of a forest, this center allows us the ability to be aware of something that is not just referenced by our five senses, but something much grander, that can not be referenced, but is always believed. There is something more to this thing called life than just what is seen.

This center keeps us always in motion, whether it be part of a dramatic sequence humans have created amongst the emotions which cascade in their individual environments, or the is simply help one walk down the street to store to get something’s to eat, because lord knows everyone has a relationship with their stomach, like it or not.

It also allows us to disseminate personalities, as well as those we would choose to be around, and those that would not be in this life. Our love is released from hear, as if it were a horse at the starting gates, truly wishing to be released to run. In that love that bursts outward of us, when we meet a person that inspires us in that subject, we usually are drawn together, and we humans engage in what has come to be called sex.

As some people do, humans can get very addicted to sex, because of the wash of emotions, and the pure release of what has been held back upon their own will. It would seem as though it is the only way the individual could be happy. The reality of this, is
happiness is not created in this center, though it is released with many other emotions and concentrated energies, to bring forth life in this world.

The visual metaphor that is related to this Energy center is the Garden. These images are to be used if you wish to view your own. If you ask to see your second center, then think of the location of this center, then ask for the image of a garden, you will see the health and vibrance of it. The only thing that must be asked after this is simply, “is this a healthy garden?” and then look closely at your garden.

Please keep in mind that these pictures are only easier for our human minds to connect with and understand.

This is a visual reference for the second center:

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Basics

I am going to begin on a small walk through the energy bodies that are contained within the human body. It’s always a pleasure to do this.

For the next seven days I will do my best to try and describe each of these energy bodies for you. Please keep in mind that words are crude when discussing things like this, so I shall call this an introduction, and the rest can be learned intuitively.

Most folks already know that everything needs balance. With Black there is white, with good there is evil, with love there is hate, with order there is chaos. All of these things compile the known universe, and we as life force, are able to perceive. They call us life, though we are much more than just living. To think of this life as an acronym, it could be stated:

Layered – Intelligence –Fundamental -Energy.

As said by Robert Monroe. Are there layers to humans? Absolutely, anyone who tells you different has never experienced a human female during the menstrual cycle.

Are we Intelligent? Some folks maybe more than others, but intelligence is defined by the dictionary as simply this:

- knowledge of an event, circumstance, etc., received or imparted; news; information.

This being said, I believe a insect may be deemed intelligent, so I think humans maaaaayy qualify.

Are we fundamental? Yes we are, we are, at the core of all our cells, simply start dust, the most fundamental pieces of our universe.

Are we energy? Sit down, and relax, while watching three year old boys play. Then tell me that’s not energy. Scientifically its different of course, but no need for that at the moment.

What we will start with, is the energy centers of the body, for first to know how a thing works, one must understand the thing. At this point we will be speaking strictly of the human energy body, because god knows that no one wants to take biology over again, and if you do there has to be a college out just begging for you =)

What we will start with is the first energy center and work our way up. I will supply visual stimuli in order to arrange your focus around the vibration, Though for the next 7 days I will start slowly to introduce new concepts, and if you have questions, by all means ask. This is a starting image as to what we are looking into:

One: Survival Mineral: Ruby Color: Red
(This is one interpretation of a substance, for which there are endless descriptions)

This center is for those of like mind, about survival and guest of life. This center only acknowledges truth, and destroys darkness whenever possible. The way this is wired to the control centers of our body, allows for this center to be able to effectively over ride, that which we know to be right and good and true, to acknowledge something else.

This center also allows us to feel positive energies, so raw, that it is uncontainable. It makes it so we must choose to filter these emotions if we wish to utilize them for knowledge, and understanding. This center also knows little control of itself, and does not like restraint. This is our evolving mind, the one that still resides isolated behind the wall of time we have between our flourishing, and the time of our creation.

This is the piece that mother earth calls to from time to time. Whether you are standing in nature, or partaking in nature, this is the center that can resonate warmth through your whole body, Though it also has the same ability with the cold. For every good there must be an evil right? There is an order and a balance to all things.

Physically, this center controls the legs and most of the lower body. Fidgety legs, pain in the knees, ankle pains, foot problems, usually can be traced back to a blockage of some sort, dealing with this center.

A great visual metaphor for this center, is the Tree. This center’s corresponding color is Red (Ruby), and this is the picture:

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


This place is meant to express one's self. Something that is true, I suppose I have always wanted a place like that. A place where lies don't sneak up behind you, and a place where people mean you no ill will. Emotionally intelligent enough to know that human reaction is based upon life paths and emotion, and to know when to express this emotion, and how to keep it from hurting people. I guess that drove me to create this space.
To create, what a wonderful ability in this life is it not? free will... something so prevalant, and yet potentially one of the most overlooked gifts of human kind. The ability to choose.
I will start this blog with poems because I enjoy poem's, and I invite you to place some here. The world can not have enough beauty.

"Brisk be the word that occupies the mind of the corruptor. Swift be the mind that occupies his space. The message begotten is the message forgiven, and consciousnesses bravado belongs at this pace. Keeping clean, the gods of war, yet dirtying the lords of life… the opposite of shadow and light fall unto us now, forever to be misled, by the children of short sight.

I, being scarred to choose my true path, being to scarred to move ahead just yet, stay here and in this existence, I sleep, coldly, quietly, vividly dreaming and awakening from the darkness such as this.
Never bad, and always rising, the balance of the light this would seem to be. They belong to each other, and belong together, and will always be within the same space, until the ultimate journey, of the army of light that will walk across to thee and convert to clear a path. Objects of solidarity can choose to reflect, absorb, or emit the light that guides us... and in our choosing we accept our outcome.
We believe this ‘fate’ based upon physics, and this theory has been false"