Monday, September 29, 2008


Here now we stand.. amongst the days of change

This is where we cast out eyes upon the future that now seems so grim, as the elders of our generation cast their eyes back upon hardened times that seem to be catching up to us, and a withering future.

The youth of our generation… still stranded in a lifestyle swimming with material possession, and crippled by the lack of necessary knowledge due to the pursuit of said possession… Lead us in a venture over the hill and toward battle… but a fight where the enemy is ourselves. Not a Civil war… a war of consciousness, waged against that habits and truths of the haves versus the have not’s.

This is when we, the youth, find out that our elders were selfish, egotistical, arrogant, pompous and deceptive people. Deceptive on a level that would get them what they wanted, and never mind the rest, though they have since helped us realize that this is a truth of life. They also never told us, that in about two years from now, there will be 3 people retired, for every one person working... they forgot to mention we would be paying for them and their friends to live out their days work-free.

The truth behind our parents… is that they have loved us the best they can.. and they have shown us what to do, the best they can… but the fact is.. they have never known what to do besides survive, and/or plan for retirement. They forgot to mention their ignorance on the problems they were creating, and the amount of weight that would be left on the shoulders of the youth, when the crown was ready to be passed from generation to generation. They did, however, mention that we should make as much money as possible, and have a nice house, with a car, and a couple kids.. or some variant along those lines. They did not, however, mention that the mindset used to live they way the elders have, was not to be the way of the future… nor did they encourage a different path of us, instead they choked it out of most of us… and forced a replication of a life cycle.. this fact, is truly sad.

After saying this, you would think I have a vendetta against our elders… though I hold the utmost respect for them. They made it through a time that is very unimaginable to us, and hard in ways we can’t fathom.

Once they made it out of that time, they wanted to relax, and have what is know of as 'the good life'… and there is nothing wrong with playing hard, after working hard.

They are also not of the mindset, that we the youth, now have to deal with the mistakes their generation has made, and clean it up, and so far, it has been of a historic precedence, though the mistakes have already been made, and there is no blame to place. They are the way they are, and we the youth are now accountable, and must hold each other accountable.

The part that agitates me the most is witnessing the youth and the hope of our species be deceitful, treacherous, malicious, violent, cruel, and without conscious when it comes to acquiring material possession or personal gain. We learned that from our elders… but we do not have to accept it as our way of life. We can choose something better… even if it only means one choice a day that is different, that would still be something.

We were not prepared for the task ahea. Our natural pre-conception of ourselves is that we are innately good, and we hold onto that throughout our lives. While we do hold onto it… more accurately put, we only hold it and look at it… but we seem to use it less and less, due to fear and hurt from others. This generation is so extremely sensitive to emotions, and no one seems quite aware, of how to deal with it.. so we close it off, and blame ourselves, and become pompous and narrow minded, like our elders, because we have seen that 'it works' to get through life.

There are 24 hours in a day, and a split second is what it takes to make a decision. We can choose our freedom… we have that power within us… if we have the eyes to see it, and the strength to grasp it.

I ask that all of us stretch our limits of the heart once a day… because it’s a muscle… without it working… it never gets stronger. I ask you now… could you stand amongst deception and change fate... can you change the thing we call perception?

These images should help you gain perspective of your place on a universal plane, as well as help you feel why it is so beautiful when we all join together, and work towards the sky.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Breathe.... Breathe....

And so we as humans consider ourselves, and measure ourselves of strength. Our character is imbued with this, seemingly rare and precious commodity, and yet some are vacuums for it, and I believe they are called the weak.
The strong was at one time supposed to fight for, and protect the weak, though now it seems, as the sands of the hourglass fall beneath the rest, that the weak have become useless and vile, and irritating. We no longer protect them… it would seem that the culture we now endorse is happier taking things from them.. to embolden themselves in such ways that matter little, but to a corporeal mind.
and so the thoughts of us as humans unfold right in front of me… and what we believe strength to be… never leaving room for its purity and its truth… just craving more and more of it. So on this note I ask… what is strength?
Strength the way I understand are best given by example, as such I shall do so here:
Strength lies in the woman in which that has nothing, but gives everything to the child she willingly chose to create, for no other reason than so that child can have the best life, and the option of choice in things that can not be seen from the position of the mother.
Strength is being persecuted for your beliefs, upon every encounter, because they are different than all the rest, and standing with shoulders back, and head held high and gentle, as the heart simply does not waiver.
Strong is the warrior who is challenged by the fool, and chooses a truth over battle.
Strength is a man fighting for his life and his family at his home because the threat of their death bring s him to his knees in misery.
Strong is the man who’s code of honor rises above every law man has… Honor is noble, if driven by the heart.
Strength is the one who gives up the ways of hate for their spouse and children, and swallows pride, because they accurately understand the wretchedness of a new life growing within the darkness.

Strength is the candle within the darkness… ever beating back the shadows so the children of men can see truth within their blindness.
Strength is the wave crashing upon a rocky coast… and never giving up, because the sea itself wants that land back… and one day.. she shall have it.
Strength exists within us… and we get to learn to bring it out of us.. ounce by ounce. As we do we stand taller, more confident, and truer to what we actually are. It is the Grandest adventure in life… our search for the true depth of our being… so I say… what better place than here, and what better time than now?

Friday, June 13, 2008

The leader

To lead… hmm.

I guess leading is something different for everybody. Leaders, I always thought, are supposed to be responsible, and right and good and true. Their ideals set apart from the rest, so that people can learn by example, not hypocrisy. Leaders are supposed to be the people that understand ever facet of their followers, so they can accurately interpret their needs, and anticipate those needs to prepare for such things.

We are the people who set the rules, the people who wage wars, the people who organize the masses into smaller sections of a greater entity, that has one direction, but many moving parts. Leaders are supposed to represent the true soul of a culture… the entire mind frame of a society or a group, coalescing on, and solidifying into one single communal organism. The head of the pack you might say, though its just a rough outline.

The leaders are the ones that stand against it, when no one else can. We = are the ones that will still believe, when all the rest have lost faith. We are the ones that will show the unloved, love, and trust the untrustworthy, because we understand that if we do not… no one else will.

We carve our course out of life, based upon what ideals we have been taught as children, and the morals we still hold to be true as grown humans. Those of us which don’t follow the grain will be condemned, and denied. We will be ridiculed and persecuted, and some of us killed, for having the strength to try and shape a new path.

Not all of us are good… there have been, and still are many shadowed leaders. What can be said.. no matter how dark and cruel a leader has been, there has not one of them whom has not broke the boundaries of what we thought we knew. The world wasn’t flat.

Leaders can be the most dangerous of people, due to the ability to gather the consensus of the followers, and press forward in guidance towards a determined goal. We are the targeting system of a weapon, as well as the trigger. We are also the mind behind the weapons construction.

To give you examples of great and terrible leaders allow me to provide you with this list:

Ghengis Khan
Julius Caesar
Alexander the Great
King Arthur
Leonardo Davinci

You decide which is good and which is bad. Just know why you chose them.

Friday, May 30, 2008

The Follower—

To explain this point, I will break this down in the most human of terms.

There seems to be two types of people in this world... one type being the leaders, and one being the followers.

Many of us as humans believe ourselves to be leaders, simply because our culture has told us that it is better to lead than to follow. This is the mark of a true follower, as leaders don’t have to believe, or question or doubt... they simply are.
The follower is someone who has great difficulty choosing a course without some sort of reference to what it’s moving towards. Most followers, only think of their individual needs, and not noticing that reason evades them.

The follower is limited in capacity to only being able to think about oneself, or at most, one other person, which is a defining point in most people. The exception is family, which is where the follower begins to lead a whole new line of followers, and is forced to have leadership traits whether it is their desire or not. family is also one of the things that drive followers into a fervor due to the emotional proximity of the selected few in question. When followers unite, they are what is called a mob, and when mobs form, there is what is called the 'mob mentality'. People will not listen, they invoke violence, they draft their loved ones, all to a cause that is gravitating people with the same emotional wavelength... and has almost always ended up in blood.

We, as 'civilized' society, all believe that we are good to each other, and in reality, most people are actually quite horrible to each other on a day to day basis. Most of the human race lands in the follower category, due to selfish desire, and the inability to think about more than the people inside their own reality. We choose not to realize our selfishness, because our own reality is the most right for each individual, and technically, no one knows whats the most or right or the most wrong for you... but you. Free will is a trip eh?

In essence this defines the follower quite properly. The true follower doesn’t think… they are polarized, and drawn in, by instinct, towards something or someone. They are constantly pursued by their primal instincts, and are quite often driven by them. True thought evades them, for their mind wraps around the center of their reality. When thought itself finds them… it is used only to amplify their gravity towards their prescribed center. Followers can be quite dangerous… when they coalesce on one subject, either real or fictitious, and come together as a full bodied unit. They can be the most powerful of forces, due to the sheer volume of them, and their lack of self control. It is much like a giant wave, which cannot stop, until it strikes the beach, rushes as far up on land as it can, and then begins a slow retreat back into the sea, as the energy itself has diminished.

The follower is the best of students, bar none. Once they find the teacher of similar polarization, they will absorb all things that are said by that person, true or false, and learn the teachers’ exact way of utilizing a specific kind of knowledge. They can be amazingly fast at the learning process, and very territorial of it as well. They will own the knowledge, and keep the practice of it very close to them, as well as protect it, lethally, if necessary. Followers are quite primal in their thoughts, as well as limited in their capacity of problem resolution. We as a species, are over populated with followers.. though that is one man's opinion.

Some people are quite happy being followers, and can stay consistent like this their entire lives. They enjoy that other people make their decisions for them, and that they themselves require little to no will in life in order to achieve their happiness. They are quite successfully in denial of their responsibility, and are quite accustomed to others doing it for them. They only need someone to show them a direction in which they can go, for indecision is a new, burgeoning lifestyle. Change, falls to the wayside, and a new direction is only poised, and unattended while they sit, and wait, for someone else to stand up and grasp it. Once grasped though, they will move behind this new idea, and gather their strength to become a number in a seemingly endless mass of power and movement. The follower is the might behind the idea, and the change that we speak about when we say ‘we need change’. It doesn’t matter if the leader changes the idea of the status quo, because if the follower is not inspired to follow that change, and because the follower IS the status quo due to the sheer volume of us, then the idea of change will wither and die. The follower is in dire need of the leader, as the leader is in dire need of the follower.

It is said that in order to be a great leader, one must first be a great follower. There are reasons for this, and I personally believe them to be true, I challenge you to find out why on your own… because no one can explain the concept better for you… than yourself.

If you have questions… I will be here.

Friday, February 8, 2008


What does it truly mean to be Happy? What is required for one person to be happy? Does it change from moment to moment, or is it as steady as the freight train?

Happiness is meant for the receiver… because, like most emotions, are felt from within. They are created within us, and swell to encompass our entire body. Happiness is one of the human favorites in emotions.

Happiness comes in different shapes for different people, this emotion is as liquid as water is to its container. It will fill it up, and rush out, if the cup runneth over. Happiness itself, is truly an art.

People are quite beautiful when they are happy. They are full of bounce and life. The eyes shimmer, and the body glows, its as if a star was coming out from inside, if only for a moment, and that is only if happiness is aloud to consume its host. It is pleasurable to watch as people no longer remember the bad things that could happen, or what could go wrong, or the pain that be coming, or the monster around the corner. Any one of these, on any given day, may stop the very same person… but not on a day they are happy, not that day!

The life experience of the individual having these emotions are drawn upon for its good times, during these days, and that is if it truly lasts a whole day. Many of us live for the fleeting moments that we are happiest, but there are the uncommon few among us that live happy every day.

On that day the sun shines brighter and warmer. The voices of only the happy people around us are the only sounds that can be heard. Laughter is a common occurrence, and relationships shine and shine alike.

It is when we smile at the raindrops.
It is when our spirit can glide upon the wind with no hesitation.
It is when our heart opens up and embraces the moment
It is when we can finally understand who we are and be ok with it.

Happiness is truly a diverse, complex, and multidimensional emotion.

What does it mean to you to be happy? What are some of the things that you do when you are happy? How do you know you are happy? Where do you go? Who are you with, if anyone?

These questions are quite important, though, I personally, never realized how relevant until recently. I realized that I hadn’t heard those questions in a very long time.. if at all, and I have no doubt my responses have changed with age. I also realized, that in the not hearing of those questions, I had forgotten to ask myself what makes me happy, so I no longer know.

I do understand what made me happy… so I suppose I will just have to start from there.

As an exercise, I invite you to answer the questions above, write them down... and go be happy for the day.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Emotional Fundamentals 101

Emotions are the most unpredictable of all things within human nature. Few of us can contain and control these things. Very few understand how, and even less are able to perform this feat.

We as humans are born victim to our emotions… they are primal forces that control us. Our parents teach us about them immediately, wanting to or not, they perform these emotions and acts in the colorful dance that we call life, and children are able to soak it in.

As children it seems that we have a blank catalog, for who, what, when, where, how, and most importantly, why these emotions actually exist, and what the purpose is for them.

We can use all of them for whatever it is that we choose based strictly upon free will, and with that will comes opposing ends of an emotional scale.

Universally, there is a balance to all things. For the color red there is blue, for light there is darkness, for matter there is anti-matter. It is quite natural, as we find ourselves a part of this universe, that we too would be balanced in all ways. Even in what seems to be uncontrollable… emotions.

What follows is information. I have proven these within this realm, and as far as I have found… they are truth.

Our Fear is balanced, by its polar opposite.. love.

Watching how they react to people is identical. They infect, and some people fight, some welcome it. Then it grows on them, and then it consumes them, and then it surrounds them. Either one of these emotions do react the exact same way to stimuli, though it must be properly polarized. If not, keep in mind that emotions are very unpredictable, and these two especially

These are the roots of ALL our emotions. In that case you could provoke literally any reaction, and it will not be controllable. Everything we feel can be traced back to these two emotions in some way.

We as a race have made colors for these and you have seen them everywhere. Black for fear, white for love.

These colors have become as symbols to us as a race, though in my personal belief I don’t believe that it is just us that utilizes this system. I believe this is a universal constant, though I can not prove it.

The additive and subtractive colors are a good representation of love and fear. If the additive colors are all put together…. they create white. This is the natural color in our culture to summon the emotion of purity, love, trust and all the positive aspects of our personality.

If the Subtractive colors are all put together, they create black. This is the color that summons anger, hostility, hatred, fear and all the negative aspects of our personality.

As you can see here, some of the same colors are used to make either end of the light spectrum, and the ones that are not, are so very close in nature, that it takes a very tuned eye to be able to tell the difference between Cyan, and Blue, or Magenta, and red.

Lets first take love for instance… and we will use the colors above. The primary colors Red Green and Blue.

Lets replace those same color values, with emotional values.

Red = Joy, Blue = Happiness, Green = Trust. Now, all these things felt seperatley cast that shade of everything. If Joy is what is all that’s being felt, then joy will shade the image of all things visible at that time.

If happiness is felt, it shades all things at that time the same way. Each by them self is sturdy, though negativity can create turbulence, and force a collapse. This is where an individual choice must be made and our greatest gift gets its power (free will). We can either continue to be happy, or if the negativity is more desirable, then we have the freedom to follow that path to its result as well.

These energies are electromagnetic, though there is a vibration that must be consciousness behind it. (electromagnets don’t seem to work the same way to alter human moods. My efforts unveiled nothing.)

If all of these positively charged emotions (which are now colors) are placed together, then we get white, or the color we use to symbolize gods love for us, and our love for each other. These are additive emotions.

The same is true for fear, as these are subtractive emotions. Lets take in place of Cyan, Magenta and Yellow… and give these names such as Hate, Rage, Jealousy.

Individually they can act the exact same to polarize an individual as the positive emotions can, They simply feel different. The methods of their gradual consummation are EXACTLY the same as the additive colors, though it is to a different conclusion.

They begin small, and they shade all things at the time they are perceived the same way as the additive emotions do. This is again where an individual choice must be made, and the true power of the human will is revealed in all its might. To follow one of these to its conclusion is daunting to say the least.

If we put all of these subtractive emotions together, we get the color we use to symbolize Evil or Darkness in our world, better known as the color black. This in emotions, is fear. Fear is the god of all things dark, for without fear, The darkness would have no power.

When we are the construct of all of the subtractive emotions, we perform fear. When we are the construct of all of the additive emotions, we perform love.

Most of us, struggle daily, with our emotions. We try to decide, or forget about the decisions, that must be made in order to forward the human evolution. To evolve, we will all need to work together. And to de-evolve, we must continue our divide, and our descent into something which we can not imagine.

Either way we choose, whether it be unification, or the dividing of a species, we will not know what the future holds for us.

It will come down to the most primal and ancient of all things in the universe. The laws of attraction.

The only question that could be asked, is ‘which sounds more appealing for me?’