Friday, November 16, 2007

Breathing Energy (a.k.a. Running Energy)

This is to help us breathe. This is breathing in a different way, and its truest fashion. This is how we acquire the force that we call life. As we normally do this on a subconscious level, doing this consciously will feel new and more intense, because intention is set in motion, and health is the end result. Its sort of like getting high… but high on life.

To perform this, please take your body to a safe place (or your safe place) and sit upright, feet flat on the floor. Chairs are most accommodating for this position.

Close your eyes, and begin to breathe. Breathe slowly, and evenly… and feel the deep breaths of air, hit all parts of the body.

There is a rhythm when doing this, so if you can.. listen and feel that rhythm.

Begin the fore mentioned techniques.




When these have been completed, feel your body for a moment, and allow for the feeling to catch you. The body reacts miraculously to these energies, though it is a might spooky at first.

When you have finished reveling in it (please do that for as long as you can allow, just because its fun) then open your minds eye once more.

Use your inner voice to call for the energies, to politely ask for them to send you the energy that will be most beneficial. For visual reference, please use the center of our known Universe. As an example, I visualize this as a GIANT spiral galaxy... though it has many shapes.

The universe, will then begin its offering… this comes through the seventh energy center, and flows downward along the spinal column. The color white is often attributed with this energy, so… if you can endure the cliché, White light falls through your body, from head to tailbone. This is an actual exercise, and is called many things and done in many ways.

As this light falls through the body, pay attention to the rhythm of your breathing.

As your breathe in, allow the light to be drawn in from above, and as one breathes out, allow for darkness to fall from the first center, into the grounding chord, to the earth. Upon the travel of this darkness to the center of the earth, please have intention for transmutation into light.

The two colors that allow for the ease of this process is black and white. There are many other colors, though starting with these two are easiest.

Breathe in, and drink in the light through the head, and breathe out, to expel darkness through the first center.

Do this for as long as one you deem necessary.

The ideal is to perform this exercise at least once a day, though one chooses to do this at their own will, if they choose it at all.

If you have chosen this, then pay attention to your body and how it feels. Your senses should sharpen, and your mind unwind. Your body will relax, and all of these things are desired.

If you have questions… please feel free to ask me. I will do my best to answer.

Friday, November 9, 2007


We begin this journey at the center of our mind, and work our way out. We will use a working belief structure that the aura is something that extends six feet from our center, and in all directions, completely consuming us.

Over the course of days, this sphere can get misshaped, and lopsided, and off center, and this exercise will enable us to re-center if we so choose.

This will create a sense of equilibrium with that of this reality, and that of the other. Consider this an exercise in getting comfortable in your own bed, because this is very similar. As the body is only a vehicle, we are just becoming situated within it.

To begin, start breathing deeply. The air to stimulate different parts of your brain are necessary. With more fuel, the brain produces more thoughts, and they would be called ‘outside the box’.

If you wish you can enter into the relaxation technique that has been spoken of before, though it is not recommended.

When you are focused enough, begin using your minds eye to image you surrounded by this ball of light. Use your emotions and your senses to feel the position and the shape of this ball, or if you can simply see it, then use the image.

The symptoms of being off center with your aura could manifest as many things.

A strange occurrence of always falling towards the right, wanting to always lean or sit back, Continuously slouching in a chair, or your arms and feet crossed all the time are all ways that the aura effects our physical body noticeably, though these occurrences can be so subtle in the average day that they are overlooked almost instantly.

When you have the image of your imbalance, take that image, and create the sphere that was there to begin with. The ideal, The one with no holes, the perfectly round one, and perfectly centered.

Altering the shape and size of this sphere is as easy as using your will, and as this is yours to command, it will obey you.

When the centering is complete, you will know… this process can take minutes, or hours… time is a human occurrence, though the more this is done, the more you will succeed.

This is a simple exercise, and can be done in the bathroom at work, or your meditation room at home. This is a piece of a new kind of lifestyle. Take as much as you wish, and leave the rest.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


This tool is to allow a connection to the earth life force that exists on this planet. This is a planetary life force system, as well as the global consciousness. In my understanding the ‘global consciousness’ in pop culture, or even I would go as deep as society, is that of the people, or the masses.

I do not speak of the mass human consciousness that exists, I speak of our planetary body, and its energy. As we believe we are the only intelligent life on this planet, we forget that we still reside within this planet. We are a small part of the greater, that is what, we call earth. As our human bodies have cells, this planet has people, and if one were to stretch the scale and compare the two, one human body is greater than or equal to the size of a cell on a planetary scale.

Many times our ego’s are falsely, and wrongfully in charge of our perception when it comes to life energy. On this planet we are quite content being on top of what we have come to know as ‘the food chain’. We fail to remember that the only thing extracted from this ‘food’ is energy, and there are MUCH greater forms of energy out there, that if given the opportunity, may use us as this ‘food energy’ with a much greater understanding of the whole than we could ever claim. Consider the possibility of being what we know as popcorn to this being.

To begin the grounding technique, first one must return to the safe place that was decided upon by you while learning the relaxation technique. When you have returned, and you are seated in your chair, begin the relaxation technique, and complete it.

When this technique is complete, I invite you to again use your minds eye, and begin focusing on your first center. The first center is the one connected to your tail bone. Be fully aware of this center, and your body around it. As you are fully aware of this center, begin using your minds eye, to extend a glowing tube, directly beneath you, and watch it penetrate the floor and the crust of the earth, all the way to the center.

There are many things that people have used to symbolize this place, this is your vision, and your choice, on what is placed here. I have used the glowing orb. When you do connect with the center of our planet, perception will adjust, and your vision will focus. It is a rather rude feeling to start with, though if one were to consider this ‘mother earth’ you could also consider adjusting your attention as any mother would.

You may begin to feel the body begin to resonate, though fear is unnecessary. This reaction will only lessen your experience, as well as shorten the measurement of time this experience lasts. If this is your desire, then so be it.

It may take more than once to accomplish this technique. As these techniques are something to practice, not just what could be described as ‘a roller coaster’ which references something that is immediate gratification, and then a concussive end, the more frequently these are done, the better and clearer your images and visions, as well as your experiences will become.

One may be asking the purpose of grounding , as I have stated it is a connection to our earth, as well as a perception change.

For the answer to this, one must heed to the question:

‘What would you ask the planet if you had it on the phone?’ .

As I use this as only a metaphor, I believe the mind will better grasp this concept. You can ask this planet anything in you can desire, the question then comes, will you truly listen when she answers.

Please keep in mind that a planet has no ego, for ego is a human item, and is unnecessary beyond the gates of our reality.

In Summary:

Return to the area of safety in which you have chosen.

1. Utilize the relaxation Technique.

2. Become aware of your first center. Feel your body around it.

3. Use your minds eye, to extend the tube into the earth.

4. Connect to the planet’s center.

5. Ask whatever question you can think of, to a consciousness that has existed for approximately 9 or so billion years. (that’s according the man made records)

6. Allow earth to answer.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Enable Relaxation

This is how to enable your physical body to relax, and take in. please remember that imagination is key in these messages, so the idea is not to be afraid to utilize it.

First one must adjust or occupy a safe environment. This can be a room that you have felt the safest in, or an open field that warms your heart. Whether inside or outside one must find the safest place they can. Distanced, and away from all of the turmoil of the everyday life, every from anyone or anything that could distract you in your goal, because this is an independent mission for your own solace and knowledge.

If you do not have this space, then you are invited to create one for yourself in whichever way you know how. Construct the place where you feel the safest you can ever feel, and where you know you will be the happiest.

When this place is revealed to you, go there, without hesitation, and sit there, with your back straight and your palms up. Nothing should be crossed, because in doing this, it restricts the flow of outside energy, though if this is your desire, then it is your body after all. =)

Close your eyes slowly, and as they are closed begin to breathe. Breathe in through the nose, and out through the mouth, and as you breathe in, imagine an image of three gleaming, bright lights, about the size of marbles, under your nose, one just beneath each nostril, and the other just below the septum.

As you are breathing regularly now, picture the life energy that you are breathing in, and then see it washed clean by the lights below your nose. Whatever color it is, what ever there is attached to the life energy in which we breathe, can not withstand the light that is placed here.

Feel the light flow through your body, and jump into all of your cells, everywhere, and enjoy this for awhile.

When you are ready to move on, and begin to really relax, then use your minds eye, to visualize the actual word ‘relax’ hovering centered, just above your head. Once you see it, you must actually add the energy of relaxation to it, and this is your will and intention. Use your minds eye to visualize yourself offering the light of relaxation to this word, and when you believe it has had its fill, allow it to fall.

Allow it to fall…. Slowly… over your head, and for every square millimeter it comes in contact with, feel your physical body relax as an effect. see it come down over your head, and touch your scalp, and feel it relax.

As the actual word is self runs over you, as well as through you, feel the side or your head relax, and the tips of your ears, your eyes, your eye lids, your nose, your lips and tongue, down to your throat and neck, your shoulders, your arms, your chest, your lungs, your heart, your elbows, your forearms, your stomach, your bowels, your bladder, your waist. Down to your genitals, your tailbone, your anus, your buttocks, your thighs, your knees, your shins and your feet.

When the word itself has finally fallen to the ground beneath your feet, use your mind to raise it up again, very slowly, all the way back up to the top of your head, just above your scalp. Then allow it to fall again.

Do this three times very slowly, because the pace is very important. The pace will allow you the understanding of the dimension your are in as your body begins to readjust to this new possibility of reality.

When you are finished, sit and enjoy breathing in the light, or continue to run the relaxation tool as many times as you wish. Please remember you set the rules here, this is your reality, and as you create it, you will know what is and is not possible, as well as what does, and does not need doing.

This should be step one to any other following lesson that I would give here. I highly recommend this step upon entering any type of trance like state.

Breathe in life, and exhale fear.

In summary:

- Find a safe place

- Sit with your back straight in a chair.

- Close your eyes, and imagine the light beneath your nose.

- Begin breathing light in through your nose, and blow it out through your mouth.

- See the word relax above you

- See it fall over you, and feel each part of your being relax.

- Do it three times

- Do it as much as you want!

- Do this before all following lessons.